Whatever the challenge or goal, if you want to change your life or your business for the better you have to ‘CHOOSE TO DO’ something…
PETER THURIN spent more than 20 years owning, building and selling successful businesses but it was a simple phone call that led to an epiphany about life and what he wanted out of it.
Ever since he was a boy, Peter had wanted to be a black belt in martial arts. It was a dream, but an unfulfilled one. At 36 years of age, Peter made the decision to finally pursue that dream by making a simple phone call to his local Taekwondo school to arrange his first lesson. It was easy to do, but for 36 years it had also been easy not to do.
That was the epiphany.
Now a 3rd Dan Black Belt, Peter sees everything in life as a choice between ‘easy to do’ and ‘easy not to do’. Just like he did in pursuing his own dream, Peter now helps people focus on what they CAN DO rather than what they can’t. He helps people from all over the world with the inspiration, enthusiasm, and determination they need to rise to the challenge.
Peter’s story is not one of extraordinary achievement, but it is a story of achievement. It’s a story of what ordinary people can achieve when they focus on what matters to them and, starting with small steps, build the momentum they need to reach their goals.
As Peter says, “big-picture goals can be so daunting that often people don’t have the courage to get into the game. I say ‘It’s OK to feel awkward, it’s OK to feel uncomfortable, but don’t allow those feelings to prevent you from making a start. So, what’s the one thing you need to do to make a start? Let’s go and do that together. Let’s get excited!’
Easy to do. Easy not to do. Your choice!®
Peter is a qualified pharmacist and, among his many quiet achievements, counts his wife Sharon and three grown-up kids as among his most meaningful. He lives in Melbourne, Australia and works globally.
Without your direction and guidance, we would be still floundering.
Crowe Horwath, Australia
Peter, you didn’t just inspire my organisation, you changed our way of thinking.
ViaWest Inc. USA
Peter is a speaker of outstanding abilities…
ALDI, Australia
Get In The Game
Good intentions will not get the job done. You have to ‘DO SOMETHING’
Big-picture goals can be so daunting that people often don’t have the courage to get into the game. It’s ok to feel awkward and it’s ok to feel uncomfortable, but don’t allow those feelings to prevent you from making a start. Learn how taking action is easy to do Choose to get in the game
Rise to the challenge
The two things you can ‘100% CONTROL’ are your effort and your attitude
Your attitude makes all the difference. A positive one can build you up, a negative one can take you down. Learn how taking control of your attitude and effort is easy to do.
Choose to rise to the challenge!
Change your attitude
Change your performance
Change your impact
Be Remarkable
Small steps taken consistently over time lead to massive achievement
Being remarkable is the gradual result of always wanting to do better. It’s about working on the little things, making sacrifices and always seeking to exceed expectations. Adopt a mantra of purposeful, forward movement and learn how achieving success is easy to do.
Choose to be remarkable!
Start with small, consistent steps
Learn the disciplines that maintain momentum
Discover why success is an ‘all the time’ thing