Dr Keith Suter is the Managing Director of the Global Directions think tank. He is an economic and s
Founder and Director of EQ MINDS, Chelsea Pottenger is an accredited Mindfulness & Meditation co
Sales Success | Customer Experience | Leadership | Change/Disruption | Positivity/Optim
Nick Bartlett is a professional Host, MC and facilitator who has worked across Australia and oversea
Associate Professor, Dr Catherine Ball is a scientific futurist, speaker, advisor, author, founder,
Michael was born and educated in Queensland, a product of Nudgee College with a corresponding dedica
For more than three decades, Lisa Wilkinson has blazed an unprecedented trail through the Australian
Hey, There! I’m Toni.I’m a change-maker dedicated to seeing a change with how we view some of the to
The former Wallaby has become one of the nation’s most successful media and publishing gurus and cor
Dr Neryl East is an award-winning speaker, credibility expert and best-selling author of five books.